Submit or update directory information !

Thank you for taking time to submit or update your directory information.   You don't have to enter anything that you don't want published.  Some people prefer their work phone number or e-mail addresses private.  That's fine.  If you want to share it, I have provided a place to enter it.  Also, birthdays are fine with month and day.  If you send me the year, I don't even enter it into the database.

Please fill in the first four fields as a minimum.  The e-mail address in the second field will not be published.  It is for required for a confirmation message only.

Your name: (Required)
An automatic confirmation will be sent to you. What E-mail address should it go to: (Required)
(This info will not be published.)
LAST NAME: (Required)
Husband's birthday (mo/day):
Home Address:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Family web page:
Husband's Cell phone:
Husband's home e-mail:
Husband's IM or Text Message Address:
Husband's employer:
Husband's occupation:
Husband's work phone:
Husband's work e-mail:
Wife's first name:
Wife's Cell Phone:
Wife's birthday (month & day only):
Wife's employer:
Wife's occupation:
Wife's work phone:
Wife's home e-mail:
Wife's IM or Text Message Address:
Wife's work e-mail:
How do you want name on HUSBAND's name tag?
How do you want name on WIFE's name tag?
To view the online directory you must have a login.  If you need a login please choose a login and password at this time and enter them in the next two fields.  This is not an automatic procedure.  The system administrator will enter them and advise you when you can use them.
If you would like to receive class news via e-mail, enter the addresses you want the news sent to.
If you have other items such as IM, Pager, Text pager, ICQ, a web page, AIM name, Yahoo Identity, MSN Identity, mobile e-mail, or any other info that you would like to share, enter it in the following box.
Any Comments or other information you want to share: