Did you see where Madeline Murray O'Hare is trying to get religious programming removed from television again.  Or how about the ridiculous price of $250 for the chocolate chip cookie recipe at Neman Marcus.  What about the e-mail tracking program that tracks who sent a particular message and at the end of the month, Microsoft is going to pay you for everyone that you forwarded the message to.  

Well DON'T BELIEVE them!!!.   Madeline Murray O'Hare died a few years ago but the rumors fail to die.  The FCC at one time had 2 full time staff people just to answer the mail they received about this one.  And Microsoft (or Coke Cola, Taco Bell, AOL, General Electric, etc....) is not going to pay you and everyone else on the internet big bucks just to forward an e-mail.

Before you forward that next e-mail that came from the cousin of a friend's uncle's boss, think about it.  Is it too good to be true?  Is it too stupid to be true? Is it just a little malicious toward some product?  Go to your favorite search engine at search for "hoaxes" or click on one of the links below.

Symantec Security Response page (from the people that make the virus protection software.)

McAfee, another antivirus software provider.

Sophos is another antivirus company.

About.com's "Current Netlore" is one of my favorite.  It has a list of the "Top 25 of last week."

Snopes is an up to date listing of hoaxes with an interesting menu.

Stiller Research.  Not pretty or fancy, just to the point.

U.S. Government sites

U.S. Department of Energy "Hoaxbusters", Computer Incident Advisory Capability (Government names are often confusing.)

Federal Communications Commission.  
      Madeline Murray O'Hare, this one fails to die. Here's the FCC RM-2493

Center for Disease Control.  List of false health issues.


Misc.  (is that for mischievous?)

Museum of Hoaxes.  This one is good reading.  It goes back to the 1700's (pre internet days) and lets us laugh at some of the hoaxes from the past.  Just goes to prove, it's nothing new.  Just the tools are different.



Send mail to john@themortons.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 09, 2006